Mission Statement

At Thompson Construction, our mission is to be efficient, hardworking and honest in order to create lasting relationships. We aim to provide our clients and partners with the highest quality workmanship possible, and to do so in a way that is financially responsible and sustainable.

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Installation of Heavy Civil Underground Utilities

Installation and construction of various sizes of watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems including associated manholes and junction boxes. Pipe sizes range from 1” to 84” and material types include pvc, ductile iron, copper, high density polyethylene, corrugated metal  and reinforced concrete pipe. 

Installation of Substation Concrete Foundations and PVC Ductlines

Installation and construction of reinforced steel concrete foundations including drilled piers, transformer, control building and switch gear pads along with direct buried and concrete encased pvc ductlines.

Grading and Erosion Control for Small to Medium Sites

Site preparation including tree removal, earthwork, rip rap installation, finish grading, and building pads.  Design and development of SWPPP as well as installation of associated erosion control measures.

Integrated GPS Technology Equipment

TCI uses intelligent excavators and dozers that are GPS equipped for underground utility installation along with site grading, channel excavation and drainage projects.  

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GPS (Global Positioning System): The use of GPS increases our efficiency and the perfect placement of structures and pipe in accordance with the engineers’ plans. Here is how GPS benefits us:


Accurate Positioning

GPS provides precise location data, ensuring accuracy in marking out boundaries, laying pipe, or placing structures exactly where they're needed. This accuracy minimizes errors and rework.


Efficient Planning

Machinery fitted with GPS can be guided precisely, reducing human error, optimizing routes, and enhancing the efficiency of tasks like excavation, grading, and paving.


Enhanced Equipment Efficiency

Machinery fitted with GPS can be guided precisely, reducing human error, optimizing routes, and enhancing the efficiency of tasks like excavation, grading, and paving.


Project Management

GPS data allows for better project monitoring and management. It helps in tracking progress, managing timelines, and identifying any deviations from the planned schedule or layout.


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